Class DefaultHttp2ConnectionEncoder

    • Method Detail

      • writeData

        public Future<Void> writeData​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                      int streamId,
                                      Buffer data,
                                      int padding,
                                      boolean endOfStream)
        Description copied from interface: Http2DataWriter
        Writes a DATA frame to the remote endpoint. This will result in one or more frames being written to the context.
        Specified by:
        writeData in interface Http2DataWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        data - the payload of the frame. This will be released by this method.
        padding - additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive). A 1 byte padding is encoded as just the pad length field with value 0. A 256 byte padding is encoded as the pad length field with value 255 and 255 padding bytes appended to the end of the frame.
        endOfStream - indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream.
        the future for the write.
      • writeHeaders

        public Future<Void> writeHeaders​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                         int streamId,
                                         Http2Headers headers,
                                         int padding,
                                         boolean endStream)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a HEADERS frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writeHeaders in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        headers - the headers to be sent.
        padding - additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
        endStream - indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream.
        the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
         The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
        If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

        If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

      • writeHeaders

        public Future<Void> writeHeaders​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                         int streamId,
                                         Http2Headers headers,
                                         int streamDependency,
                                         short weight,
                                         boolean exclusive,
                                         int padding,
                                         boolean endOfStream)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a HEADERS frame with priority specified to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writeHeaders in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        headers - the headers to be sent.
        streamDependency - the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should depend on the connection.
        weight - the weight for this stream.
        exclusive - whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent.
        padding - additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
        endOfStream - indicates if this is the last frame to be sent for the stream.
        the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
         The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
        If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

        If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

      • writePriority

        public Future<Void> writePriority​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                          int streamId,
                                          int streamDependency,
                                          short weight,
                                          boolean exclusive)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a PRIORITY frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writePriority in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        streamDependency - the stream on which this stream should depend, or 0 if it should depend on the connection.
        weight - the weight for this stream.
        exclusive - whether this stream should be the exclusive dependant of its parent.
        the future for the write.
      • writeRstStream

        public Future<Void> writeRstStream​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                           int streamId,
                                           long errorCode)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a RST_STREAM frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writeRstStream in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        errorCode - the error code indicating the nature of the failure.
        the future for the write.
      • writePing

        public Future<Void> writePing​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                      boolean ack,
                                      long data)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a PING frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writePing in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        ack - indicates whether this is an ack of a PING frame previously received from the remote endpoint.
        data - the payload of the frame.
        the future for the write.
      • writePushPromise

        public Future<Void> writePushPromise​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                             int streamId,
                                             int promisedStreamId,
                                             Http2Headers headers,
                                             int padding)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a PUSH_PROMISE frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writePushPromise in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        promisedStreamId - the ID of the promised stream.
        headers - the headers to be sent.
        padding - additional bytes that should be added to obscure the true content size. Must be between 0 and 256 (inclusive).
        the future for the write. Section 10.5.1 states the following:
         The header block MUST be processed to ensure a consistent connection state, unless the connection is closed.
        If this call has modified the HPACK header state you MUST throw a connection error.

        If this call has NOT modified the HPACK header state you are free to throw a stream error.

      • writeGoAway

        public Future<Void> writeGoAway​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                        int lastStreamId,
                                        long errorCode,
                                        Buffer debugData)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a GO_AWAY frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writeGoAway in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        lastStreamId - the last known stream of this endpoint.
        errorCode - the error code, if the connection was abnormally terminated.
        debugData - application-defined debug data. This will be released by this method.
        the future for the write.
      • writeWindowUpdate

        public Future<Void> writeWindowUpdate​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                              int streamId,
                                              int windowSizeIncrement)
        Description copied from interface: Http2FrameWriter
        Writes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame to the remote endpoint.
        Specified by:
        writeWindowUpdate in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        windowSizeIncrement - the number of bytes by which the local inbound flow control window is increasing.
        the future for the write.
      • writeFrame

        public Future<Void> writeFrame​(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                       byte frameType,
                                       int streamId,
                                       Http2Flags flags,
                                       Buffer payload)
        Description copied from interface: Http2ConnectionEncoder
        Writes the given data to the internal Http2FrameWriter without performing any state checks on the connection/stream.
        Specified by:
        writeFrame in interface Http2ConnectionEncoder
        Specified by:
        writeFrame in interface Http2FrameWriter
        ctx - the context to use for writing.
        frameType - the frame type identifier.
        streamId - the stream for which to send the frame.
        flags - the flags to write for this frame.
        payload - the payload to write for this frame. This will be released by this method.
        the future for the write.