Class WebSocketServerHandshaker13

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebSocketServerHandshaker13

        public WebSocketServerHandshaker13​(String webSocketURL,
                                           String subprotocols,
                                           boolean allowExtensions,
                                           int maxFramePayloadLength)
        Constructor specifying the destination web socket location
        webSocketURL - URL for web socket communications. e.g "ws://". Subsequent web socket frames will be sent to this URL.
        subprotocols - CSV of supported protocols
        allowExtensions - Allow extensions to be used in the reserved bits of the web socket frame
        maxFramePayloadLength - Maximum allowable frame payload length. Setting this value to your application's requirement may reduce denial of service attacks using long data frames.
      • WebSocketServerHandshaker13

        public WebSocketServerHandshaker13​(String webSocketURL,
                                           String subprotocols,
                                           boolean allowExtensions,
                                           int maxFramePayloadLength,
                                           boolean allowMaskMismatch)
        Constructor specifying the destination web socket location
        webSocketURL - URL for web socket communications. e.g "ws://". Subsequent web socket frames will be sent to this URL.
        subprotocols - CSV of supported protocols
        allowExtensions - Allow extensions to be used in the reserved bits of the web socket frame
        maxFramePayloadLength - Maximum allowable frame payload length. Setting this value to your application's requirement may reduce denial of service attacks using long data frames.
        allowMaskMismatch - When set to true, frames which are not masked properly according to the standard will still be accepted.
      • WebSocketServerHandshaker13

        public WebSocketServerHandshaker13​(String webSocketURL,
                                           String subprotocols,
                                           WebSocketDecoderConfig decoderConfig)
        Constructor specifying the destination web socket location
        webSocketURL - URL for web socket communications. e.g "ws://". Subsequent web socket frames will be sent to this URL.
        subprotocols - CSV of supported protocols
        decoderConfig - Frames decoder configuration.