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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
16  package org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx;
18  import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer;
19  import org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffers;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpRequest;
26  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Names;
27  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders.Values;
28  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
29  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
30  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequestEncoder;
31  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponse;
32  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
33  import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion;
34  import org.jboss.netty.logging.InternalLogger;
35  import org.jboss.netty.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
36  import org.jboss.netty.util.CharsetUtil;
38  import;
39  import java.util.Map;
41  /**
42   * <p>
43   * Performs client side opening and closing handshakes for web socket specification version <a
44   * href="" >draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-
45   * 17</a>
46   * </p>
47   */
48  public class WebSocketClientHandshaker13 extends WebSocketClientHandshaker {
50      private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(WebSocketClientHandshaker13.class);
52      public static final String MAGIC_GUID = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";
54      private String expectedChallengeResponseString;
56      private final boolean allowExtensions;
58      /**
59       * Constructor with default values
60       *
61       * @param webSocketURL
62       *            URL for web socket communications. e.g "ws://". Subsequent web socket frames will be
63       *            sent to this URL.
64       * @param version
65       *            Version of web socket specification to use to connect to the server
66       * @param subprotocol
67       *            Sub protocol request sent to the server.
68       * @param allowExtensions
69       *            Allow extensions to be used in the reserved bits of the web socket frame
70       * @param customHeaders
71       *            Map of custom headers to add to the client request
72       */
73      public WebSocketClientHandshaker13(URI webSocketURL, WebSocketVersion version, String subprotocol,
74              boolean allowExtensions, Map<String, String> customHeaders) {
75          this(webSocketURL, version, subprotocol, allowExtensions, customHeaders, Long.MAX_VALUE);
76      }
78      /**
79       * Constructor
80       *
81       * @param webSocketURL
82       *            URL for web socket communications. e.g "ws://". Subsequent web socket frames will be
83       *            sent to this URL.
84       * @param version
85       *            Version of web socket specification to use to connect to the server
86       * @param subprotocol
87       *            Sub protocol request sent to the server.
88       * @param allowExtensions
89       *            Allow extensions to be used in the reserved bits of the web socket frame
90       * @param customHeaders
91       *            Map of custom headers to add to the client request
92       * @param maxFramePayloadLength
93       *            Maximum length of a frame's payload
94       */
95      public WebSocketClientHandshaker13(URI webSocketURL, WebSocketVersion version, String subprotocol,
96              boolean allowExtensions, Map<String, String> customHeaders, long maxFramePayloadLength) {
97          super(webSocketURL, version, subprotocol, customHeaders, maxFramePayloadLength);
98          this.allowExtensions = allowExtensions;
99      }
101     /**
102      * /**
103      * <p>
104      * Sends the opening request to the server:
105      * </p>
106      *
107      * <pre>
108      * GET /chat HTTP/1.1
109      * Host:
110      * Upgrade: websocket
111      * Connection: Upgrade
112      * Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
113      * Sec-WebSocket-Origin:
114      * Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
115      * Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
116      * </pre>
117      *
118      * @param channel
119      *            Channel into which we can write our request
120      */
121     @Override
122     public ChannelFuture handshake(Channel channel) throws Exception {
123         // Get path
124         URI wsURL = getWebSocketUrl();
125         String path = wsURL.getPath();
126         if (wsURL.getQuery() != null && wsURL.getQuery().length() > 0) {
127             path = wsURL.getPath() + '?' + wsURL.getQuery();
128         }
130         if (path == null || path.length() == 0) {
131             path = "/";
132         }
134         // Get 16 bit nonce and base 64 encode it
135         ChannelBuffer nonce = ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(WebSocketUtil.randomBytes(16));
136         String key = WebSocketUtil.base64(nonce);
138         String acceptSeed = key + MAGIC_GUID;
139         ChannelBuffer sha1 = WebSocketUtil.sha1(ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer(acceptSeed, CharsetUtil.US_ASCII));
140         expectedChallengeResponseString = WebSocketUtil.base64(sha1);
142         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
143             logger.debug(String.format("WS Version 13 Client Handshake key: %s. Expected response: %s.", key,
144                     expectedChallengeResponseString));
145         }
147         // Format request
148         int wsPort = wsURL.getPort();
149         HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, path);
150         request.headers().add(Names.UPGRADE, Values.WEBSOCKET.toLowerCase());
151         request.headers().add(Names.CONNECTION, Values.UPGRADE);
152         request.headers().add(Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY, key);
153         request.headers().add(Names.HOST, wsURL.getHost() + ':' + wsPort);
155         String originValue = "http://" + wsURL.getHost();
156         if (wsPort != 80 && wsPort != 443) {
157             // if the port is not standard (80/443) its needed to add the port to the header.
158             // See
159             originValue = originValue + ':' + wsPort;
160         }
161         request.headers().add(Names.ORIGIN, originValue);
163         String expectedSubprotocol = getExpectedSubprotocol();
164         if (expectedSubprotocol != null && expectedSubprotocol.length() != 0) {
165             request.headers().add(Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL, expectedSubprotocol);
166         }
168         request.headers().add(Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION, "13");
170         if (customHeaders != null) {
171             for (Map.Entry<String, String> e: customHeaders.entrySet()) {
172                 request.headers().add(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
173             }
174         }
176         ChannelFuture future = channel.write(request);
177         final ChannelFuture handshakeFuture = new DefaultChannelFuture(channel, false);
179         future.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() {
180             public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) {
181                 ChannelPipeline p = future.getChannel().getPipeline();
182                 p.replace(HttpRequestEncoder.class, "ws-encoder", new WebSocket13FrameEncoder(true));
184                 if (future.isSuccess()) {
185                     handshakeFuture.setSuccess();
186                 } else {
187                     handshakeFuture.setFailure(future.getCause());
188                 }
189             }
190         });
192         return handshakeFuture;
193     }
195     /**
196      * <p>
197      * Process server response:
198      * </p>
199      *
200      * <pre>
201      * HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
202      * Upgrade: websocket
203      * Connection: Upgrade
204      * Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
205      * Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
206      * </pre>
207      *
208      * @param channel
209      *            Channel
210      * @param response
211      *            HTTP response returned from the server for the request sent by beginOpeningHandshake00().
212      * @throws WebSocketHandshakeException
213      */
214     @Override
215     public void finishHandshake(Channel channel, HttpResponse response) {
216         final HttpResponseStatus status = HttpResponseStatus.SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS;
218         if (!response.getStatus().equals(status)) {
219             throw new WebSocketHandshakeException("Invalid handshake response status: " + response.getStatus());
220         }
222         String upgrade = response.headers().get(Names.UPGRADE);
223         // Upgrade header should be matched case-insensitive.
224         // See
225         if (upgrade == null || !upgrade.toLowerCase().equals(Values.WEBSOCKET.toLowerCase())) {
226             throw new WebSocketHandshakeException("Invalid handshake response upgrade: "
227                     + response.headers().get(Names.UPGRADE));
228         }
230         // Connection header should be matched case-insensitive.
231         // See
232         String connection = response.headers().get(Names.CONNECTION);
233         if (connection == null || !connection.toLowerCase().equals(Values.UPGRADE.toLowerCase())) {
234             throw new WebSocketHandshakeException("Invalid handshake response connection: "
235                     + response.headers().get(Names.CONNECTION));
236         }
238         String accept = response.headers().get(Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ACCEPT);
239         if (accept == null || !accept.equals(expectedChallengeResponseString)) {
240             throw new WebSocketHandshakeException(String.format("Invalid challenge. Actual: %s. Expected: %s", accept,
241                     expectedChallengeResponseString));
242         }
244         String subprotocol = response.headers().get(Names.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL);
245         setActualSubprotocol(subprotocol);
247         setHandshakeComplete();
248         replaceDecoder(
249                 channel,
250                 new WebSocket13FrameDecoder(false, allowExtensions, getMaxFramePayloadLength()));
251     }
252 }