Class IdentityCipherSuiteFilter

    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final IdentityCipherSuiteFilter INSTANCE
        Defaults to default ciphers when provided ciphers are null

        public static final IdentityCipherSuiteFilter INSTANCE_DEFAULTING_TO_SUPPORTED_CIPHERS
        Defaults to supported ciphers when provided ciphers are null
    • Method Detail

      • filterCipherSuites

        public String[] filterCipherSuites​(Iterable<String> ciphers,
                                           List<String> defaultCiphers,
                                           Set<String> supportedCiphers)
        Description copied from interface: CipherSuiteFilter
        Filter the requested ciphers based upon other cipher characteristics.
        Specified by:
        filterCipherSuites in interface CipherSuiteFilter
        ciphers - The requested ciphers
        defaultCiphers - The default recommended ciphers for the current SSLEngine as determined by Netty
        supportedCiphers - The supported ciphers for the current SSLEngine
        The filter list of ciphers. Must not return null.