Interface RecvBufferAllocator.Handle

    • Method Detail

      • allocate

        Buffer allocate​(BufferAllocator alloc)
        Creates a new receive buffer whose capacity is probably large enough to read all inbound data and small enough not to waste its space.
      • guess

        int guess()
        Similar to allocate(BufferAllocator) except that it does not allocate anything but just tells the capacity.
      • reset

        void reset()
        Reset any counters that have accumulated and recommend how many messages/bytes should be read for the next read loop.

        This may be used by continueReading(boolean) to determine if the read operation should complete.

        This is only ever a hint and may be ignored by the implementation.
      • incMessagesRead

        void incMessagesRead​(int numMessages)
        Increment the number of messages that have been read for the current read loop.
        numMessages - The amount to increment by.
      • lastBytesRead

        void lastBytesRead​(int bytes)
        Set the bytes that have been read for the last read operation. This may be used to increment the number of bytes that have been read.
        bytes - The number of bytes from the previous read operation. This may be negative if an read error occurs. If a negative value is seen it is expected to be return on the next call to lastBytesRead(). A negative value will signal a termination condition enforced externally to this class and is not required to be enforced in continueReading(boolean).
      • lastBytesRead

        int lastBytesRead()
        Get the amount of bytes for the previous read operation.
        The amount of bytes for the previous read operation.
      • attemptedBytesRead

        void attemptedBytesRead​(int bytes)
        Set how many bytes the read operation will (or did) attempt to read.
        bytes - How many bytes the read operation will (or did) attempt to read.
      • attemptedBytesRead

        int attemptedBytesRead()
        Get how many bytes the read operation will (or did) attempt to read.
        How many bytes the read operation will (or did) attempt to read.
      • continueReading

        boolean continueReading​(boolean autoRead)
        Determine if the current read loop should continue.
        autoRead - if autoread is used, false otherwise.
        true if the read loop should continue reading. false if the read loop is complete.
      • continueReading

        boolean continueReading​(boolean autoRead,
                                Predicate<RecvBufferAllocator.Handle> maybeMoreDataPredicate)
        Same as continueReading(boolean) except "more data" is determined by the supplier parameter.
        autoRead - true if autoread is used, false otherwise.
        maybeMoreDataPredicate - A Predicate that determines if there maybe more data to read.
        true if the read loop should continue reading. false if the read loop is complete.
      • readComplete

        void readComplete()
        The read has completed.