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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
16  package org.jboss.netty.buffer;
18  import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
19  import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
20  import java.nio.ByteOrder;
22  /**
23   * A {@link ChannelBufferFactory} which pre-allocates a large chunk of direct
24   * buffer and returns its slice on demand.  Direct buffers are reclaimed via
25   * {@link ReferenceQueue} in most JDK implementations, and therefore they are
26   * deallocated less efficiently than an ordinary heap buffer.  Consequently,
27   * a user will get {@link OutOfMemoryError} when one tries to allocate small
28   * direct buffers more often than the GC throughput of direct buffers, which
29   * is much lower than the GC throughput of heap buffers.  This factory avoids
30   * this problem by allocating a large chunk of pre-allocated direct buffer and
31   * reducing the number of the garbage collected internal direct buffer objects.
32   */
33  public class DirectChannelBufferFactory extends AbstractChannelBufferFactory {
35      private static final DirectChannelBufferFactory INSTANCE_BE =
36          new DirectChannelBufferFactory(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
38      private static final DirectChannelBufferFactory INSTANCE_LE =
39          new DirectChannelBufferFactory(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
41      public static ChannelBufferFactory getInstance() {
42          return INSTANCE_BE;
43      }
45      public static ChannelBufferFactory getInstance(ByteOrder defaultEndianness) {
46          if (defaultEndianness == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
47              return INSTANCE_BE;
48          } else if (defaultEndianness == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
49              return INSTANCE_LE;
50          } else if (defaultEndianness == null) {
51              throw new NullPointerException("defaultEndianness");
52          } else {
53              throw new IllegalStateException("Should not reach here");
54          }
55      }
57      private final Object bigEndianLock = new Object();
58      private final Object littleEndianLock = new Object();
59      private final int preallocatedBufCapacity;
60      private ChannelBuffer preallocatedBEBuf;
61      private int preallocatedBEBufPos;
62      private ChannelBuffer preallocatedLEBuf;
63      private int preallocatedLEBufPos;
65      /**
66       * Creates a new factory whose default {@link ByteOrder} is
67       * {@link ByteOrder#BIG_ENDIAN}.
68       */
69      public DirectChannelBufferFactory() {
70          this(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
71      }
73      /**
74       * Creates a new factory whose default {@link ByteOrder} is
75       * {@link ByteOrder#BIG_ENDIAN}.
76       */
77      public DirectChannelBufferFactory(int preallocatedBufferCapacity) {
78          this(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, preallocatedBufferCapacity);
79      }
81      /**
82       * Creates a new factory with the specified default {@link ByteOrder}.
83       *
84       * @param defaultOrder the default {@link ByteOrder} of this factory
85       */
86      public DirectChannelBufferFactory(ByteOrder defaultOrder) {
87          this(defaultOrder, 1048576);
88      }
90      /**
91       * Creates a new factory with the specified default {@link ByteOrder}.
92       *
93       * @param defaultOrder the default {@link ByteOrder} of this factory
94       */
95      public DirectChannelBufferFactory(ByteOrder defaultOrder, int preallocatedBufferCapacity) {
96          super(defaultOrder);
97          if (preallocatedBufferCapacity <= 0) {
98              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
99                      "preallocatedBufCapacity must be greater than 0: " + preallocatedBufferCapacity);
100         }
102         preallocatedBufCapacity = preallocatedBufferCapacity;
103     }
105     public ChannelBuffer getBuffer(ByteOrder order, int capacity) {
106         if (order == null) {
107             throw new NullPointerException("order");
108         }
109         if (capacity < 0) {
110             throw new IllegalArgumentException("capacity: " + capacity);
111         }
112         if (capacity == 0) {
113             return ChannelBuffers.EMPTY_BUFFER;
114         }
115         if (capacity >= preallocatedBufCapacity) {
116             return ChannelBuffers.directBuffer(order, capacity);
117         }
119         ChannelBuffer slice;
120         if (order == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
121             slice = allocateBigEndianBuffer(capacity);
122         } else {
123             slice = allocateLittleEndianBuffer(capacity);
124         }
125         slice.clear();
126         return slice;
127     }
129     public ChannelBuffer getBuffer(ByteOrder order, byte[] array, int offset, int length) {
130         if (array == null) {
131             throw new NullPointerException("array");
132         }
133         if (offset < 0) {
134             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("offset: " + offset);
135         }
136         if (length == 0) {
137             return ChannelBuffers.EMPTY_BUFFER;
138         }
139         if (offset + length > array.length) {
140             throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("length: " + length);
141         }
143         ChannelBuffer buf = getBuffer(order, length);
144         buf.writeBytes(array, offset, length);
145         return buf;
146     }
148     public ChannelBuffer getBuffer(ByteBuffer nioBuffer) {
149         if (!nioBuffer.isReadOnly() && nioBuffer.isDirect()) {
150             return ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(nioBuffer);
151         }
153         ChannelBuffer buf = getBuffer(nioBuffer.order(), nioBuffer.remaining());
154         int pos = nioBuffer.position();
155         buf.writeBytes(nioBuffer);
156         nioBuffer.position(pos);
157         return buf;
158     }
160     private ChannelBuffer allocateBigEndianBuffer(int capacity) {
161         ChannelBuffer slice;
162         synchronized (bigEndianLock) {
163             if (preallocatedBEBuf == null) {
164                 preallocatedBEBuf = ChannelBuffers.directBuffer(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, preallocatedBufCapacity);
165                 slice = preallocatedBEBuf.slice(0, capacity);
166                 preallocatedBEBufPos = capacity;
167             } else if (preallocatedBEBuf.capacity() - preallocatedBEBufPos >= capacity) {
168                 slice = preallocatedBEBuf.slice(preallocatedBEBufPos, capacity);
169                 preallocatedBEBufPos += capacity;
170             } else {
171                 preallocatedBEBuf = ChannelBuffers.directBuffer(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, preallocatedBufCapacity);
172                 slice = preallocatedBEBuf.slice(0, capacity);
173                 preallocatedBEBufPos = capacity;
174             }
175         }
176         return slice;
177     }
179     private ChannelBuffer allocateLittleEndianBuffer(int capacity) {
180         ChannelBuffer slice;
181         synchronized (littleEndianLock) {
182             if (preallocatedLEBuf == null) {
183                 preallocatedLEBuf = ChannelBuffers.directBuffer(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, preallocatedBufCapacity);
184                 slice = preallocatedLEBuf.slice(0, capacity);
185                 preallocatedLEBufPos = capacity;
186             } else if (preallocatedLEBuf.capacity() - preallocatedLEBufPos >= capacity) {
187                 slice = preallocatedLEBuf.slice(preallocatedLEBufPos, capacity);
188                 preallocatedLEBufPos += capacity;
189             } else {
190                 preallocatedLEBuf = ChannelBuffers.directBuffer(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN, preallocatedBufCapacity);
191                 slice = preallocatedLEBuf.slice(0, capacity);
192                 preallocatedLEBufPos = capacity;
193             }
194         }
195         return slice;
196     }
197 }