View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
16  package io.netty.handler.codec.compression;
18  import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
19  import;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import io.netty.util.concurrent.EventExecutor;
23  import io.netty.util.concurrent.PromiseNotifier;
24  import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
25  import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil;
26  import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
27  import io.netty.util.internal.SuppressJava6Requirement;
28  import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
29  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
30  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
32  import;
33  import;
35  /**
36   * Compresses a {@link ByteBuf} using the deflate algorithm.
37   */
38  public class JdkZlibEncoder extends ZlibEncoder {
40      private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(JdkZlibEncoder.class);
42      /**
43       * Maximum initial size for temporary heap buffers used for the compressed output. Buffer may still grow beyond
44       * this if necessary.
45       */
46      private static final int MAX_INITIAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
47      /**
48       * Max size for temporary heap buffers used to copy input data to heap.
49       */
50      private static final int MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE;
52      private final ZlibWrapper wrapper;
53      private final Deflater deflater;
54      private volatile boolean finished;
55      private volatile ChannelHandlerContext ctx;
57      /*
58       * GZIP support
59       */
60      private final CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
61      private static final byte[] gzipHeader = {0x1f, (byte) 0x8b, Deflater.DEFLATED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
62      private boolean writeHeader = true;
64      static {
65          MAX_INITIAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = SystemPropertyUtil.getInt(
66                  "io.netty.jdkzlib.encoder.maxInitialOutputBufferSize",
67                  65536);
68          MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = SystemPropertyUtil.getInt(
69                  "io.netty.jdkzlib.encoder.maxInputBufferSize",
70                  65536);
72          if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
73              logger.debug("-Dio.netty.jdkzlib.encoder.maxInitialOutputBufferSize={}", MAX_INITIAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
74              logger.debug("-Dio.netty.jdkzlib.encoder.maxInputBufferSize={}", MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
75          }
76      }
78      /**
79       * Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level ({@code 6})
80       * and the default wrapper ({@link ZlibWrapper#ZLIB}).
81       *
82       * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
83       */
84      public JdkZlibEncoder() {
85          this(6);
86      }
88      /**
89       * Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified {@code compressionLevel}
90       * and the default wrapper ({@link ZlibWrapper#ZLIB}).
91       *
92       * @param compressionLevel
93       *        {@code 1} yields the fastest compression and {@code 9} yields the
94       *        best compression.  {@code 0} means no compression.  The default
95       *        compression level is {@code 6}.
96       *
97       * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
98       */
99      public JdkZlibEncoder(int compressionLevel) {
100         this(ZlibWrapper.ZLIB, compressionLevel);
101     }
103     /**
104      * Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level ({@code 6})
105      * and the specified wrapper.
106      *
107      * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
108      */
109     public JdkZlibEncoder(ZlibWrapper wrapper) {
110         this(wrapper, 6);
111     }
113     /**
114      * Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified {@code compressionLevel}
115      * and the specified wrapper.
116      *
117      * @param compressionLevel
118      *        {@code 1} yields the fastest compression and {@code 9} yields the
119      *        best compression.  {@code 0} means no compression.  The default
120      *        compression level is {@code 6}.
121      *
122      * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
123      */
124     public JdkZlibEncoder(ZlibWrapper wrapper, int compressionLevel) {
125         ObjectUtil.checkInRange(compressionLevel, 0, 9, "compressionLevel");
126         ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(wrapper, "wrapper");
128         if (wrapper == ZlibWrapper.ZLIB_OR_NONE) {
129             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
130                     "wrapper '" + ZlibWrapper.ZLIB_OR_NONE + "' is not " +
131                     "allowed for compression.");
132         }
134         this.wrapper = wrapper;
135         deflater = new Deflater(compressionLevel, wrapper != ZlibWrapper.ZLIB);
136     }
138     /**
139      * Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level ({@code 6})
140      * and the specified preset dictionary.  The wrapper is always
141      * {@link ZlibWrapper#ZLIB} because it is the only format that supports
142      * the preset dictionary.
143      *
144      * @param dictionary  the preset dictionary
145      *
146      * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
147      */
148     public JdkZlibEncoder(byte[] dictionary) {
149         this(6, dictionary);
150     }
152     /**
153      * Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified {@code compressionLevel}
154      * and the specified preset dictionary.  The wrapper is always
155      * {@link ZlibWrapper#ZLIB} because it is the only format that supports
156      * the preset dictionary.
157      *
158      * @param compressionLevel
159      *        {@code 1} yields the fastest compression and {@code 9} yields the
160      *        best compression.  {@code 0} means no compression.  The default
161      *        compression level is {@code 6}.
162      * @param dictionary  the preset dictionary
163      *
164      * @throws CompressionException if failed to initialize zlib
165      */
166     public JdkZlibEncoder(int compressionLevel, byte[] dictionary) {
167         ObjectUtil.checkInRange(compressionLevel, 0, 9, "compressionLevel");
168         ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(dictionary, "dictionary");
170         wrapper = ZlibWrapper.ZLIB;
171         deflater = new Deflater(compressionLevel);
172         deflater.setDictionary(dictionary);
173     }
175     @Override
176     public ChannelFuture close() {
177         return close(ctx().newPromise());
178     }
180     @Override
181     public ChannelFuture close(final ChannelPromise promise) {
182         ChannelHandlerContext ctx = ctx();
183         EventExecutor executor = ctx.executor();
184         if (executor.inEventLoop()) {
185             return finishEncode(ctx, promise);
186         } else {
187             final ChannelPromise p = ctx.newPromise();
188             executor.execute(new Runnable() {
189                 @Override
190                 public void run() {
191                     ChannelFuture f = finishEncode(ctx(), p);
192                     PromiseNotifier.cascade(f, promise);
193                 }
194             });
195             return p;
196         }
197     }
199     private ChannelHandlerContext ctx() {
200         ChannelHandlerContext ctx = this.ctx;
201         if (ctx == null) {
202             throw new IllegalStateException("not added to a pipeline");
203         }
204         return ctx;
205     }
207     @Override
208     public boolean isClosed() {
209         return finished;
210     }
212     @Override
213     protected void encode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf uncompressed, ByteBuf out) throws Exception {
214         if (finished) {
215             out.writeBytes(uncompressed);
216             return;
217         }
219         int len = uncompressed.readableBytes();
220         if (len == 0) {
221             return;
222         }
224         if (uncompressed.hasArray()) {
225             // if it is backed by an array we not need to do a copy at all
226             encodeSome(uncompressed, out);
227         } else {
228             int heapBufferSize = Math.min(len, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
229             ByteBuf heapBuf = ctx.alloc().heapBuffer(heapBufferSize, heapBufferSize);
230             try {
231                 while (uncompressed.isReadable()) {
232                     uncompressed.readBytes(heapBuf, Math.min(heapBuf.writableBytes(), uncompressed.readableBytes()));
233                     encodeSome(heapBuf, out);
234                     heapBuf.clear();
235                 }
236             } finally {
237                 heapBuf.release();
238             }
239         }
240         // clear input so that we don't keep an unnecessary reference to the input array
241         deflater.setInput(EmptyArrays.EMPTY_BYTES);
242     }
244     private void encodeSome(ByteBuf in, ByteBuf out) {
245         // both in and out are heap buffers, here
247         byte[] inAry = in.array();
248         int offset = in.arrayOffset() + in.readerIndex();
250         if (writeHeader) {
251             writeHeader = false;
252             if (wrapper == ZlibWrapper.GZIP) {
253                 out.writeBytes(gzipHeader);
254             }
255         }
257         int len = in.readableBytes();
258         if (wrapper == ZlibWrapper.GZIP) {
259             crc.update(inAry, offset, len);
260         }
262         deflater.setInput(inAry, offset, len);
263         for (;;) {
264             deflate(out);
265             if (!out.isWritable()) {
266                 // The buffer is not writable anymore. Increase the capacity to make more room.
267                 // Can't rely on needsInput here, it might return true even if there's still data to be written.
268                 out.ensureWritable(out.writerIndex());
269             } else if (deflater.needsInput()) {
270                 // Consumed everything
271                 break;
272             }
273         }
274         in.skipBytes(len);
275     }
277     @Override
278     protected final ByteBuf allocateBuffer(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ByteBuf msg,
279                                            boolean preferDirect) throws Exception {
280         int sizeEstimate = (int) Math.ceil(msg.readableBytes() * 1.001) + 12;
281         if (writeHeader) {
282             switch (wrapper) {
283                 case GZIP:
284                     sizeEstimate += gzipHeader.length;
285                     break;
286                 case ZLIB:
287                     sizeEstimate += 2; // first two magic bytes
288                     break;
289                 default:
290                     // no op
291             }
292         }
293         // sizeEstimate might overflow if close to 2G
294         if (sizeEstimate < 0 || sizeEstimate > MAX_INITIAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) {
295             // can always expand later
296             return ctx.alloc().heapBuffer(MAX_INITIAL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
297         }
298         return ctx.alloc().heapBuffer(sizeEstimate);
299     }
301     @Override
302     public void close(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception {
303         ChannelFuture f = finishEncode(ctx, ctx.newPromise());
304         EncoderUtil.closeAfterFinishEncode(ctx, f, promise);
305     }
307     private ChannelFuture finishEncode(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelPromise promise) {
308         if (finished) {
309             promise.setSuccess();
310             return promise;
311         }
313         finished = true;
314         ByteBuf footer = ctx.alloc().heapBuffer();
315         if (writeHeader && wrapper == ZlibWrapper.GZIP) {
316             // Write the GZIP header first if not written yet. (i.e. user wrote nothing.)
317             writeHeader = false;
318             footer.writeBytes(gzipHeader);
319         }
321         deflater.finish();
323         while (!deflater.finished()) {
324             deflate(footer);
325             if (!footer.isWritable()) {
326                 // no more space so write it to the channel and continue
327                 ctx.write(footer);
328                 footer = ctx.alloc().heapBuffer();
329             }
330         }
331         if (wrapper == ZlibWrapper.GZIP) {
332             int crcValue = (int) crc.getValue();
333             int uncBytes = deflater.getTotalIn();
334             footer.writeByte(crcValue);
335             footer.writeByte(crcValue >>> 8);
336             footer.writeByte(crcValue >>> 16);
337             footer.writeByte(crcValue >>> 24);
338             footer.writeByte(uncBytes);
339             footer.writeByte(uncBytes >>> 8);
340             footer.writeByte(uncBytes >>> 16);
341             footer.writeByte(uncBytes >>> 24);
342         }
343         deflater.end();
344         return ctx.writeAndFlush(footer, promise);
345     }
347     @SuppressJava6Requirement(reason = "Usage guarded by java version check")
348     private void deflate(ByteBuf out) {
349         if (PlatformDependent.javaVersion() < 7) {
350             deflateJdk6(out);
351         }
352         int numBytes;
353         do {
354             int writerIndex = out.writerIndex();
355             numBytes = deflater.deflate(
356                     out.array(), out.arrayOffset() + writerIndex, out.writableBytes(), Deflater.SYNC_FLUSH);
357             out.writerIndex(writerIndex + numBytes);
358         } while (numBytes > 0);
359     }
361     private void deflateJdk6(ByteBuf out) {
362         int numBytes;
363         do {
364             int writerIndex = out.writerIndex();
365             numBytes = deflater.deflate(
366                     out.array(), out.arrayOffset() + writerIndex, out.writableBytes());
367             out.writerIndex(writerIndex + numBytes);
368         } while (numBytes > 0);
369     }
371     @Override
372     public void handlerAdded(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
373         this.ctx = ctx;
374     }
375 }