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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
17  package io.netty.util;
19  import io.netty.util.internal.ObjectUtil;
20  import io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent;
21  import io.netty.util.internal.SystemPropertyUtil;
22  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
23  import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;
25  import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
27  /**
28   * This static factory should be used to load {@link ResourceLeakDetector}s as needed
29   */
30  public abstract class ResourceLeakDetectorFactory {
31      private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory.getInstance(ResourceLeakDetectorFactory.class);
33      private static volatile ResourceLeakDetectorFactory factoryInstance = new DefaultResourceLeakDetectorFactory();
35      /**
36       * Get the singleton instance of this factory class.
37       *
38       * @return the current {@link ResourceLeakDetectorFactory}
39       */
40      public static ResourceLeakDetectorFactory instance() {
41          return factoryInstance;
42      }
44      /**
45       * Set the factory's singleton instance. This has to be called before the static initializer of the
46       * {@link ResourceLeakDetector} is called by all the callers of this factory. That is, before initializing a
47       * Netty Bootstrap.
48       *
49       * @param factory the instance that will become the current {@link ResourceLeakDetectorFactory}'s singleton
50       */
51      public static void setResourceLeakDetectorFactory(ResourceLeakDetectorFactory factory) {
52          factoryInstance = ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(factory, "factory");
53      }
55      /**
56       * Returns a new instance of a {@link ResourceLeakDetector} with the given resource class.
57       *
58       * @param resource the resource class used to initialize the {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
59       * @param <T> the type of the resource class
60       * @return a new instance of {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
61       */
62      public final <T> ResourceLeakDetector<T> newResourceLeakDetector(Class<T> resource) {
63          return newResourceLeakDetector(resource, ResourceLeakDetector.SAMPLING_INTERVAL);
64      }
66      /**
67       * @deprecated Use {@link #newResourceLeakDetector(Class, int)} instead.
68       * <p>
69       * Returns a new instance of a {@link ResourceLeakDetector} with the given resource class.
70       *
71       * @param resource the resource class used to initialize the {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
72       * @param samplingInterval the interval on which sampling takes place
73       * @param maxActive This is deprecated and will be ignored.
74       * @param <T> the type of the resource class
75       * @return a new instance of {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
76       */
77      @Deprecated
78      public abstract <T> ResourceLeakDetector<T> newResourceLeakDetector(
79              Class<T> resource, int samplingInterval, long maxActive);
81      /**
82       * Returns a new instance of a {@link ResourceLeakDetector} with the given resource class.
83       *
84       * @param resource the resource class used to initialize the {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
85       * @param samplingInterval the interval on which sampling takes place
86       * @param <T> the type of the resource class
87       * @return a new instance of {@link ResourceLeakDetector}
88       */
89      @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
90      public <T> ResourceLeakDetector<T> newResourceLeakDetector(Class<T> resource, int samplingInterval) {
91          ObjectUtil.checkPositive(samplingInterval, "samplingInterval");
92          return newResourceLeakDetector(resource, samplingInterval, Long.MAX_VALUE);
93      }
95      /**
96       * Default implementation that loads custom leak detector via system property
97       */
98      private static final class DefaultResourceLeakDetectorFactory extends ResourceLeakDetectorFactory {
99          private final Constructor<?> obsoleteCustomClassConstructor;
100         private final Constructor<?> customClassConstructor;
102         DefaultResourceLeakDetectorFactory() {
103             String customLeakDetector;
104             try {
105                 customLeakDetector = SystemPropertyUtil.get("io.netty.customResourceLeakDetector");
106             } catch (Throwable cause) {
107                 logger.error("Could not access System property: io.netty.customResourceLeakDetector", cause);
108                 customLeakDetector = null;
109             }
110             if (customLeakDetector == null) {
111                 obsoleteCustomClassConstructor = customClassConstructor = null;
112             } else {
113                 obsoleteCustomClassConstructor = obsoleteCustomClassConstructor(customLeakDetector);
114                 customClassConstructor = customClassConstructor(customLeakDetector);
115             }
116         }
118         private static Constructor<?> obsoleteCustomClassConstructor(String customLeakDetector) {
119             try {
120                 final Class<?> detectorClass = Class.forName(customLeakDetector, true,
121                         PlatformDependent.getSystemClassLoader());
123                 if (ResourceLeakDetector.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)) {
124                     return detectorClass.getConstructor(Class.class, int.class, long.class);
125                 } else {
126                     logger.error("Class {} does not inherit from ResourceLeakDetector.", customLeakDetector);
127                 }
128             } catch (Throwable t) {
129                 logger.error("Could not load custom resource leak detector class provided: {}",
130                         customLeakDetector, t);
131             }
132             return null;
133         }
135         private static Constructor<?> customClassConstructor(String customLeakDetector) {
136             try {
137                 final Class<?> detectorClass = Class.forName(customLeakDetector, true,
138                         PlatformDependent.getSystemClassLoader());
140                 if (ResourceLeakDetector.class.isAssignableFrom(detectorClass)) {
141                     return detectorClass.getConstructor(Class.class, int.class);
142                 } else {
143                     logger.error("Class {} does not inherit from ResourceLeakDetector.", customLeakDetector);
144                 }
145             } catch (Throwable t) {
146                 logger.error("Could not load custom resource leak detector class provided: {}",
147                         customLeakDetector, t);
148             }
149             return null;
150         }
152         @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
153         @Override
154         public <T> ResourceLeakDetector<T> newResourceLeakDetector(Class<T> resource, int samplingInterval,
155                                                                    long maxActive) {
156             if (obsoleteCustomClassConstructor != null) {
157                 try {
158                     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
159                     ResourceLeakDetector<T> leakDetector =
160                             (ResourceLeakDetector<T>) obsoleteCustomClassConstructor.newInstance(
161                                     resource, samplingInterval, maxActive);
162                     logger.debug("Loaded custom ResourceLeakDetector: {}",
163                             obsoleteCustomClassConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName());
164                     return leakDetector;
165                 } catch (Throwable t) {
166                     logger.error(
167                             "Could not load custom resource leak detector provided: {} with the given resource: {}",
168                             obsoleteCustomClassConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName(), resource, t);
169                 }
170             }
172             ResourceLeakDetector<T> resourceLeakDetector = new ResourceLeakDetector<T>(resource, samplingInterval,
173                                                                                        maxActive);
174             logger.debug("Loaded default ResourceLeakDetector: {}", resourceLeakDetector);
175             return resourceLeakDetector;
176         }
178         @Override
179         public <T> ResourceLeakDetector<T> newResourceLeakDetector(Class<T> resource, int samplingInterval) {
180             if (customClassConstructor != null) {
181                 try {
182                     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
183                     ResourceLeakDetector<T> leakDetector =
184                             (ResourceLeakDetector<T>) customClassConstructor.newInstance(resource, samplingInterval);
185                     logger.debug("Loaded custom ResourceLeakDetector: {}",
186                             customClassConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName());
187                     return leakDetector;
188                 } catch (Throwable t) {
189                     logger.error(
190                             "Could not load custom resource leak detector provided: {} with the given resource: {}",
191                             customClassConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName(), resource, t);
192                 }
193             }
195             ResourceLeakDetector<T> resourceLeakDetector = new ResourceLeakDetector<T>(resource, samplingInterval);
196             logger.debug("Loaded default ResourceLeakDetector: {}", resourceLeakDetector);
197             return resourceLeakDetector;
198         }
199     }
200 }