Class HttpContentCompressor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HttpContentCompressor
    extends HttpContentEncoder
    Compresses an HttpMessage and an HttpContent in gzip or deflate encoding while respecting the "Accept-Encoding" header. If there is no matching encoding, no compression is done. For more information on how this handler modifies the message, please refer to HttpContentEncoder.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpContentCompressor

        public HttpContentCompressor()
        Creates a new handler with the default compression level (6), default window size (15) and default memory level (8).
      • HttpContentCompressor

        public HttpContentCompressor​(int compressionLevel)
        Creates a new handler with the specified compression level, default window size (15) and default memory level (8).
        compressionLevel - 1 yields the fastest compression and 9 yields the best compression. 0 means no compression. The default compression level is 6.
      • HttpContentCompressor

        public HttpContentCompressor​(int compressionLevel,
                                     int windowBits,
                                     int memLevel)
        Creates a new handler with the specified compression level, window size, and memory level..
        compressionLevel - 1 yields the fastest compression and 9 yields the best compression. 0 means no compression. The default compression level is 6.
        windowBits - The base two logarithm of the size of the history buffer. The value should be in the range 9 to 15 inclusive. Larger values result in better compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15.
        memLevel - How much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state. 1 uses minimum memory and 9 uses maximum memory. Larger values result in better and faster compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 8
      • HttpContentCompressor

        public HttpContentCompressor​(int compressionLevel,
                                     int windowBits,
                                     int memLevel,
                                     int contentSizeThreshold)
        Creates a new handler with the specified compression level, window size, and memory level..
        compressionLevel - 1 yields the fastest compression and 9 yields the best compression. 0 means no compression. The default compression level is 6.
        windowBits - The base two logarithm of the size of the history buffer. The value should be in the range 9 to 15 inclusive. Larger values result in better compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15.
        memLevel - How much memory should be allocated for the internal compression state. 1 uses minimum memory and 9 uses maximum memory. Larger values result in better and faster compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 8
        contentSizeThreshold - The response body is compressed when the size of the response body exceeds the threshold. The value should be a non negative number. 0 will enable compression for all responses.
      • HttpContentCompressor

        public HttpContentCompressor​(int contentSizeThreshold,
                                     CompressionOptions... compressionOptions)
        Create a new HttpContentCompressor instance with specified CompressionOptionss
        contentSizeThreshold - The response body is compressed when the size of the response body exceeds the threshold. The value should be a non negative number. 0 will enable compression for all responses.
        compressionOptions - CompressionOptions or null if the default should be used.
    • Method Detail

      • beginEncode

        protected HttpContentEncoder.Result beginEncode​(HttpResponse httpResponse,
                                                        String acceptEncoding)
        Description copied from class: HttpContentEncoder
        Prepare to encode the HTTP message content.
        Specified by:
        beginEncode in class HttpContentEncoder
        httpResponse - the http response
        acceptEncoding - the value of the "Accept-Encoding" header
        the result of preparation, which is composed of the determined target content encoding and a new EmbeddedChannel that encodes the content into the target content encoding. null if acceptEncoding is unsupported or rejected and thus the content should be handled as-is (i.e. no encoding).
      • determineEncoding

        protected String determineEncoding​(String acceptEncoding)