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Netty 3.6.4.Final released

Here's another stable release from the 3.x branch. You can get it from the downloads page and the Maven central repository. Please report any regressions or bugs via the issue tracker.

Notable changes

  • You can specify ThreadNameDeterminer as a parameter when you construct Oio*ChannelFactory and HashedWheelTimer. (#1176)
  • ProtobufDecoder takes advantage of the performance improvements in protobuf 2.5.0. (#1146)
  • The message of a ConnectException now contains the remote address where the connection attempt was made to. (#1082)
  • NIO transport raises a ConnectTimeoutException, which extends ConnectException, when a connection attempt timed out. (#1036)

Visit here for the complete list of the changes.


Every idea counts; the following people participated in the development of this release. Please report an unintended omission.