View Javadoc
1   /*
2    * Copyright 2016 The Netty Project
3    *
4    * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
16  package io.netty.handler.ssl;
18  import io.netty.internal.tcnative.CertificateCallback;
19  import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSL;
20  import io.netty.internal.tcnative.SSLContext;
21  import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import java.util.Arrays;
27  import java.util.Collections;
28  import java.util.HashSet;
29  import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
30  import java.util.Map;
31  import java.util.Set;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
39  /**
40   * A client-side {@link SslContext} which uses OpenSSL's SSL/TLS implementation.
41   * <p>Instances of this class must be {@link #release() released} or else native memory will leak!
42   *
43   * <p>Instances of this class <strong>must not</strong> be released before any {@link ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine}
44   * which depends upon the instance of this class is released. Otherwise if any method of
45   * {@link ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine} is called which uses this class's JNI resources the JVM may crash.
46   */
47  public final class ReferenceCountedOpenSslClientContext extends ReferenceCountedOpenSslContext {
49      private static final Set<String> SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new LinkedHashSet<String>(
50              Arrays.asList(OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_RSA,
51                            OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_DH_RSA,
52                            OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC,
53                            OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC_RSA,
54                            OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC_EC)));
56      private final OpenSslSessionContext sessionContext;
58      ReferenceCountedOpenSslClientContext(X509Certificate[] trustCertCollection, TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory,
59                                           X509Certificate[] keyCertChain, PrivateKey key, String keyPassword,
60                                           KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory, Iterable<String> ciphers,
61                                           CipherSuiteFilter cipherFilter, ApplicationProtocolConfig apn,
62                                           String[] protocols, long sessionCacheSize, long sessionTimeout,
63                                           boolean enableOcsp, String keyStore, String endpointIdentificationAlgorithm,
64                                           Map.Entry<SslContextOption<?>, Object>... options) throws SSLException {
65          super(ciphers, cipherFilter, toNegotiator(apn), SSL.SSL_MODE_CLIENT, keyCertChain,
66                ClientAuth.NONE, protocols, false, endpointIdentificationAlgorithm, enableOcsp, true, options);
67          boolean success = false;
68          try {
69              sessionContext = newSessionContext(this, ctx, engineMap, trustCertCollection, trustManagerFactory,
70                                                 keyCertChain, key, keyPassword, keyManagerFactory, keyStore,
71                                                 sessionCacheSize, sessionTimeout);
72              success = true;
73          } finally {
74              if (!success) {
75                  release();
76              }
77          }
78      }
80      @Override
81      public OpenSslSessionContext sessionContext() {
82          return sessionContext;
83      }
85      static OpenSslSessionContext newSessionContext(ReferenceCountedOpenSslContext thiz, long ctx,
86                                                     OpenSslEngineMap engineMap,
87                                                     X509Certificate[] trustCertCollection,
88                                                     TrustManagerFactory trustManagerFactory,
89                                                     X509Certificate[] keyCertChain, PrivateKey key,
90                                                     String keyPassword, KeyManagerFactory keyManagerFactory,
91                                                     String keyStore, long sessionCacheSize, long sessionTimeout)
92              throws SSLException {
93          if (key == null && keyCertChain != null || key != null && keyCertChain == null) {
94              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
95                      "Either both keyCertChain and key needs to be null or none of them");
96          }
97          OpenSslKeyMaterialProvider keyMaterialProvider = null;
98          try {
99              try {
100                 if (!OpenSsl.useKeyManagerFactory()) {
101                     if (keyManagerFactory != null) {
102                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
103                                 "KeyManagerFactory not supported");
104                     }
105                     if (keyCertChain != null/* && key != null*/) {
106                         setKeyMaterial(ctx, keyCertChain, key, keyPassword);
107                     }
108                 } else {
109                     // javadocs state that keyManagerFactory has precedent over keyCertChain
110                     if (keyManagerFactory == null && keyCertChain != null) {
111                         char[] keyPasswordChars = keyStorePassword(keyPassword);
112                         KeyStore ks = buildKeyStore(keyCertChain, key, keyPasswordChars, keyStore);
113                         if (ks.aliases().hasMoreElements()) {
114                             keyManagerFactory = new OpenSslX509KeyManagerFactory();
115                         } else {
116                             keyManagerFactory = new OpenSslCachingX509KeyManagerFactory(
117                                     KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()));
118                         }
119                         keyManagerFactory.init(ks, keyPasswordChars);
120                         keyMaterialProvider = providerFor(keyManagerFactory, keyPassword);
121                     } else if (keyManagerFactory != null) {
122                         keyMaterialProvider = providerFor(keyManagerFactory, keyPassword);
123                     }
125                     if (keyMaterialProvider != null) {
126                         OpenSslKeyMaterialManager materialManager = new OpenSslKeyMaterialManager(keyMaterialProvider);
127                         SSLContext.setCertificateCallback(ctx, new OpenSslClientCertificateCallback(
128                                 engineMap, materialManager));
129                     }
130                 }
131             } catch (Exception e) {
132                 throw new SSLException("failed to set certificate and key", e);
133             }
135             // On the client side we always need to use SSL_CVERIFY_OPTIONAL (which will translate to SSL_VERIFY_PEER)
136             // to ensure that when the TrustManager throws we will produce the correct alert back to the server.
137             //
138             // See:
139             //   -
140             //   -
141             SSLContext.setVerify(ctx, SSL.SSL_CVERIFY_OPTIONAL, VERIFY_DEPTH);
143             try {
144                 if (trustCertCollection != null) {
145                     trustManagerFactory = buildTrustManagerFactory(trustCertCollection, trustManagerFactory, keyStore);
146                 } else if (trustManagerFactory == null) {
147                     trustManagerFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(
148                             TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
149                     trustManagerFactory.init((KeyStore) null);
150                 }
151                 final X509TrustManager manager = chooseTrustManager(trustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers());
153                 // IMPORTANT: The callbacks set for verification must be static to prevent memory leak as
154                 //            otherwise the context can never be collected. This is because the JNI code holds
155                 //            a global reference to the callbacks.
156                 //
157                 //            See
159                 setVerifyCallback(ctx, engineMap, manager);
160             } catch (Exception e) {
161                 if (keyMaterialProvider != null) {
162                     keyMaterialProvider.destroy();
163                 }
164                 throw new SSLException("unable to setup trustmanager", e);
165             }
166             OpenSslClientSessionContext context = new OpenSslClientSessionContext(thiz, keyMaterialProvider);
167             context.setSessionCacheEnabled(CLIENT_ENABLE_SESSION_CACHE);
168             if (sessionCacheSize > 0) {
169                 context.setSessionCacheSize((int) Math.min(sessionCacheSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
170             }
171             if (sessionTimeout > 0) {
172                 context.setSessionTimeout((int) Math.min(sessionTimeout, Integer.MAX_VALUE));
173             }
175             if (CLIENT_ENABLE_SESSION_TICKET) {
176                 context.setTicketKeys();
177             }
179             keyMaterialProvider = null;
180             return context;
181         } finally {
182             if (keyMaterialProvider != null) {
183                 keyMaterialProvider.destroy();
184             }
185         }
186     }
188     private static void setVerifyCallback(long ctx, OpenSslEngineMap engineMap, X509TrustManager manager) {
189         // Use this to prevent an error when running on java < 7
190         if (useExtendedTrustManager(manager)) {
191             SSLContext.setCertVerifyCallback(ctx,
192                     new ExtendedTrustManagerVerifyCallback(engineMap, (X509ExtendedTrustManager) manager));
193         } else {
194             SSLContext.setCertVerifyCallback(ctx, new TrustManagerVerifyCallback(engineMap, manager));
195         }
196     }
198     static final class OpenSslClientSessionContext extends OpenSslSessionContext {
199         OpenSslClientSessionContext(ReferenceCountedOpenSslContext context, OpenSslKeyMaterialProvider provider) {
200             super(context, provider, SSL.SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT, new OpenSslClientSessionCache(context.engineMap));
201         }
202     }
204     private static final class TrustManagerVerifyCallback extends AbstractCertificateVerifier {
205         private final X509TrustManager manager;
207         TrustManagerVerifyCallback(OpenSslEngineMap engineMap, X509TrustManager manager) {
208             super(engineMap);
209             this.manager = manager;
210         }
212         @Override
213         void verify(ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine engine, X509Certificate[] peerCerts, String auth)
214                 throws Exception {
215             manager.checkServerTrusted(peerCerts, auth);
216         }
217     }
219     private static final class ExtendedTrustManagerVerifyCallback extends AbstractCertificateVerifier {
220         private final X509ExtendedTrustManager manager;
222         ExtendedTrustManagerVerifyCallback(OpenSslEngineMap engineMap, X509ExtendedTrustManager manager) {
223             super(engineMap);
224             this.manager = manager;
225         }
227         @Override
228         void verify(ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine engine, X509Certificate[] peerCerts, String auth)
229                 throws Exception {
230             manager.checkServerTrusted(peerCerts, auth, engine);
231         }
232     }
234     private static final class OpenSslClientCertificateCallback implements CertificateCallback {
235         private final OpenSslEngineMap engineMap;
236         private final OpenSslKeyMaterialManager keyManagerHolder;
238         OpenSslClientCertificateCallback(OpenSslEngineMap engineMap, OpenSslKeyMaterialManager keyManagerHolder) {
239             this.engineMap = engineMap;
240             this.keyManagerHolder = keyManagerHolder;
241         }
243         @Override
244         public void handle(long ssl, byte[] keyTypeBytes, byte[][] asn1DerEncodedPrincipals) throws Exception {
245             final ReferenceCountedOpenSslEngine engine = engineMap.get(ssl);
246             // May be null if it was destroyed in the meantime.
247             if (engine == null) {
248                 return;
249             }
250             try {
251                 final Set<String> keyTypesSet = supportedClientKeyTypes(keyTypeBytes);
252                 final String[] keyTypes = keyTypesSet.toArray(EmptyArrays.EMPTY_STRINGS);
253                 final X500Principal[] issuers;
254                 if (asn1DerEncodedPrincipals == null) {
255                     issuers = null;
256                 } else {
257                     issuers = new X500Principal[asn1DerEncodedPrincipals.length];
258                     for (int i = 0; i < asn1DerEncodedPrincipals.length; i++) {
259                         issuers[i] = new X500Principal(asn1DerEncodedPrincipals[i]);
260                     }
261                 }
262                 keyManagerHolder.setKeyMaterialClientSide(engine, keyTypes, issuers);
263             } catch (Throwable cause) {
264                 engine.initHandshakeException(cause);
265                 if (cause instanceof Exception) {
266                     throw (Exception) cause;
267                 }
268                 throw new SSLException(cause);
269             }
270         }
272         /**
273          * Gets the supported key types for client certificates.
274          *
275          * @param clientCertificateTypes {@code ClientCertificateType} values provided by the server.
276          *        See
277          * @return supported key types that can be used in {@code X509KeyManager.chooseClientAlias} and
278          *         {@code X509ExtendedKeyManager.chooseEngineClientAlias}.
279          */
280         private static Set<String> supportedClientKeyTypes(byte[] clientCertificateTypes) {
281             if (clientCertificateTypes == null) {
282                 // Try all of the supported key types.
283                 return SUPPORTED_KEY_TYPES;
284             }
285             Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(clientCertificateTypes.length);
286             for (byte keyTypeCode : clientCertificateTypes) {
287                 String keyType = clientKeyType(keyTypeCode);
288                 if (keyType == null) {
289                     // Unsupported client key type -- ignore
290                     continue;
291                 }
292                 result.add(keyType);
293             }
294             return result;
295         }
297         private static String clientKeyType(byte clientCertificateType) {
298             // See also
299             switch (clientCertificateType) {
300                 case CertificateCallback.TLS_CT_RSA_SIGN:
301                     return OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_RSA; // RFC rsa_sign
302                 case CertificateCallback.TLS_CT_RSA_FIXED_DH:
303                     return OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_DH_RSA; // RFC rsa_fixed_dh
304                 case CertificateCallback.TLS_CT_ECDSA_SIGN:
305                     return OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC; // RFC ecdsa_sign
306                 case CertificateCallback.TLS_CT_RSA_FIXED_ECDH:
307                     return OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC_RSA; // RFC rsa_fixed_ecdh
308                 case CertificateCallback.TLS_CT_ECDSA_FIXED_ECDH:
309                     return OpenSslKeyMaterialManager.KEY_TYPE_EC_EC; // RFC ecdsa_fixed_ecdh
310                 default:
311                     return null;
312             }
313         }
314     }
315 }