Class DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder
    extends ByteToMessageDecoder
    A decoder that splits the received Buffers by one or more delimiters. It is particularly useful for decoding the frames which ends with a delimiter such as NUL or newline characters.

    Predefined delimiters

    Delimiters defines frequently used delimiters for convenience' sake.

    Specifying more than one delimiter

    DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder allows you to specify more than one delimiter. If more than one delimiter is found in the buffer, it chooses the delimiter which produces the shortest frame. For example, if you have the following data in the buffer:

     | ABC\nDEF\r\n |
    a DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(Delimiters.lineDelimiter()) will choose '\n' as the first delimiter and produce two frames:
     | ABC | DEF |
    rather than incorrectly choosing '\r\n' as the first delimiter:
     | ABC\nDEF |
    • Constructor Detail

      • DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder

        public DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder​(int maxFrameLength,
                                          Buffer... delimiters)
        Creates a new instance.
        maxFrameLength - the maximum length of the decoded frame. A TooLongFrameException is thrown if the length of the frame exceeds this value.
        delimiters - the delimiters
      • DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder

        public DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder​(int maxFrameLength,
                                          boolean stripDelimiter,
                                          Buffer... delimiters)
        Creates a new instance.
        maxFrameLength - the maximum length of the decoded frame. A TooLongFrameException is thrown if the length of the frame exceeds this value.
        stripDelimiter - whether the decoded frame should strip out the delimiter or not
        delimiters - the delimiters
      • DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder

        public DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder​(int maxFrameLength,
                                          boolean stripDelimiter,
                                          boolean failFast,
                                          Buffer... delimiters)
        Creates a new instance.
        maxFrameLength - the maximum length of the decoded frame. A TooLongFrameException is thrown if the length of the frame exceeds this value.
        stripDelimiter - whether the decoded frame should strip out the delimiter or not
        failFast - If true, a TooLongFrameException is thrown as soon as the decoder notices the length of the frame will exceed maxFrameLength regardless of whether the entire frame has been read. If false, a TooLongFrameException is thrown after the entire frame that exceeds maxFrameLength has been read.
        delimiters - the delimiters