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Netty 4.0.4.Final released

This is the forth bug-fix release out of the new stable 4.x tree. This release includes critical bug-fixes for resource leaks. Thus we advice to upgrade as soon as possible.

Beside this, this release includes many other bug-fixes and improvements. In summary we closed 27 issues.

This release would have been not possible without the feedback of our community. We welcome everyone to become a part of it, and help us to make Netty even better!

Important changes

As noted above this release contains critical fixes as listed bellow:

  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory. (#1574)
  • Stackoverflow using ImmediateEventExecutor. (#1602)
  • ChannelOutboundBuffer#addMessage may produce writes out of order (#1619)
  • Resource leak when write to a closed or not yet connected channel (#1621) and (#1624)

Visit here for the complete list of the changes.


Every idea and bug-report counts and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area. Please report an unintended omission.