Interface | Description |
Attribute |
Attribute interface
FileUpload |
FileUpload interface that could be in memory, on temporary file or any other implementations.
HttpData |
Extended interface for InterfaceHttpData
HttpDataFactory |
Interface to enable creation of InterfaceHttpData objects
InterfaceHttpData |
Interface for all Objects that could be encoded/decoded using HttpPostRequestEncoder/Decoder
InterfaceHttpPostRequestDecoder |
Class | Description |
AbstractDiskHttpData |
Abstract Disk HttpData implementation
AbstractHttpData |
Abstract HttpData implementation
AbstractMemoryHttpData |
Abstract Memory HttpData implementation
DefaultHttpDataFactory |
Default factory giving Attribute and FileUpload according to constructor
Attribute and FileUpload could be :
- MemoryAttribute, DiskAttribute or MixedAttribute - MemoryFileUpload, DiskFileUpload or MixedFileUpload according to the constructor. |
DiskAttribute |
Disk implementation of Attributes
DiskFileUpload |
Disk FileUpload implementation that stores file into real files
HttpPostMultipartRequestDecoder |
This decoder will decode Body and can handle POST BODY in multipart form.
HttpPostRequestDecoder |
This decoder will decode Body and can handle POST BODY (both multipart and standard).
HttpPostRequestEncoder |
This encoder will help to encode Request for a FORM as POST.
HttpPostStandardRequestDecoder |
This decoder will decode Body and can handle standard (non multipart) POST BODY.
InternalAttribute |
This Attribute is only for Encoder use to insert special command between object if needed
(like Multipart Mixed mode)
MemoryAttribute |
Memory implementation of Attributes
MemoryFileUpload |
Default FileUpload implementation that stores file into memory.
MixedAttribute |
Mixed implementation using both in Memory and in File with a limit of size
MixedFileUpload |
Mixed implementation using both in Memory and in File with a limit of size
Enum | Description |
HttpPostRequestDecoder.MultiPartStatus |
states follow
First status is: NOSTARTED
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x => PREAMBLE in Header
content-disposition: form-data; name="field1" => DISPOSITION
Joe Blow => FIELD
content-disposition: form-data; name="pics" => DISPOSITION
Content-type: multipart/mixed, boundary=BbC04y
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="file1.txt" => MIXEDDISPOSITION
Content-Type: text/plain
... contents of file1.txt ... => MIXEDFILEUPLOAD
Content-disposition: file; filename="file2.gif" => MIXEDDISPOSITION
Content-type: image/gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
...contents of file2.gif... => MIXEDFILEUPLOAD
Once CLOSEDELIMITER is found, last status is EPILOGUE
HttpPostRequestEncoder.EncoderMode |
Different modes to use to encode form data.
InterfaceHttpData.HttpDataType |
Exception | Description |
HttpPostRequestDecoder.EndOfDataDecoderException |
Exception when the body is fully decoded, even if there is still data
HttpPostRequestDecoder.ErrorDataDecoderException |
Exception when an error occurs while decoding
HttpPostRequestDecoder.IncompatibleDataDecoderException | Deprecated |
HttpPostRequestDecoder.NotEnoughDataDecoderException |
Exception when try reading data from request in chunked format, and not enough
data are available (need more chunks)
HttpPostRequestEncoder.ErrorDataEncoderException |
Exception when an error occurs while encoding
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