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Netty 4.2.0.Alpha3 released

We are happy to announce the release of the third alpha for the upcoming netty version 4.2.0. Everyone using netty 4.1.x should be able to upgrade to 4.2.0.Alpha3 without any API breakage. The only new requirement is JDK8 or later.

We encourage users of netty 4.1.x to try out this alpha release and so provide feedback if any breakage is noticed. This will help us to be aware of any problems early in the release cycle. That said, be aware that this is only an alpha release and so shouldn't be considered for production usage.

Netty 4.2.0 will come with some exciting new features that you can learn more about in the announcement of netty 4.2.0.Alpha1.

The most important changes in this release are:

  • Pass ringSize param to IoUringIoHandler#newFactory (#14169)
  • Add support to suspend EventExecutor (#14152)
  • Add keytool-based self-signed certificate generator (#14198)
  • Revert usage of MethodHandles for sun.misc.Unsafe (#14217)
  • Drop support of Jetty Alpn (#14234)
  • Removal of split package between netty-codec and netty-codec-xml (#14231)
  • Drop support of Jetty NPN (#14240)
  • Removal of split package between netty-handler and netty-handler-ssl-ocsp (#14251)
  • Rectify socket half-closed behavior with 4.1 (#14193)

For more details please visit our bug tracker

Thank You

Every idea and bug-report counts, and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area.

Please report an unintended omission.

Beside this we also would like to thank everyone who took the time to test 4.2.0.Alpha* so far.