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This page lists the organizations who adopted Netty in their projects or products. Make sure to sort the list alphabetically and keep the list up-to-date.
- 1&1
- Plog - Fire-and-forget UDP logging service with custom Netty pipelines & extensive monitoring
- Alibaba
- High performance transparent proxying and protocol conversion in cloud environments. Amadeus is operating high volume, large distributed systems with a mixture of microservices and traditional SoA mixing proprietary and standard protocols.
- SOFABolt - A lightweight, easy to use and high performance remoting framework based on Netty.
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- An asynchronous messaging system, an example of Message Oriented Middleware.
Apache Bookkeeper
- A low latency storage service optimized for append-only workloads
Apache Dubbo
- An high performance RPC framework
Apache Flink
- Stream processing framework
Apache Giraph
- Iterative graph processing system built for high scalability
- Uses Netty for all inter node communication
Apache NiFi
- NiFi automates the flow of data between systems
Apache Pinot
- Realtime distributed OLAP datastore
Apache Pulsar
- Distributed messaging platform
Apache Spark
- General purpose cluster compute framework - using Netty for RPC and shuffle data communication
API Simulator
- Netty is the underlying protocol server for API simulations.
- Using Netty for various services.
- Netty @ Apple: Large Scale Deployment / Connectivity
- ArkaSoft
Avast Software
- Distributes their anti-virus updates to more than 100M users using Netty.
- Optimizing your cloud for millions of connections (slides)
- Streaming updates - real time system for distributing updates to millions of users
- AzRy
- A cloud native programming language whose transport layer is implemented using netty.
- Basho
- A private mobile app for couples with over 5 million users to store and share their memories, providing an exclusive communication channel just between the two
- Between system architecture (Korean; they built their API and messaging server with Netty.)
- Using netty for various usages: IMAP reverse proxy server, High performance webserver, mobile synchronization server
- Open Source IoT Platform with mobile applications. Blynk Server supports HTTP/S API, WebSockets, own binary protocol.
- Monitors the continuously changing environment of distributed applications in real-time.
- Know a delay: Nagle's algorithm and you
- linkerd -- an open source RPC proxy
- Beyond Round Robin: Load Balancing for Latency
- Cisco
- Club Cooee - Uses netty to simultaneously connect tens of thousands of users to a realtime virtual social 3D network with shared 3D spaces and low latence messaging services
Codeborne - internally and open source:
- RePlay - a fork of Play1 framework
Codewise - internally and open source:
- RxS3 - lightweight asynchronous AmazonS3 client.
- Comcast - Comcast uses Netty for a number of projects, particularly in the area of video encryption. Netty’s tunable concurrency model coupled with its direct byte buffer pooling have been instrumental in supporting predictable performance under load.
- Couchbase
- Use Netty for RPC layer
- A commercial Cassandra vendor
- Robust and scalable distributed queries with DSE Search 4.0
- Quark - A specialized language for defining and implementing communication protocols and microservices in multiple languages
- Use Netty for Edge layer
- Using Netty for their HTTP API.
- See case studies chapter of Netty in Action
- Neutrino is a software load balancer(SLB) used by eBay to do L7 Switching and Load Balancing for eBay’s test infrastructure. It is build using Scala and Netty and it uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as run-time environment.
- Elasticsearch
- Using Netty for backbone message exchange services and proxies.
ESN Planet
- A feature-rich social real-time web platform which scales horizontally and vertically
- Useful tools for Netty
- Uses for its high performance, http based, dynamic search system
- F5
- Nifty - Netty-based Thrift transport implementation
- See case studies chapter of Netty in Action
- Also uses Netty in Apache Giraph
- Uses Netty for all network communications.
- Firebase
- Uses Netty for to handle all incoming API traffic.
- Uses Netty for generating HTTP load test traffic
- gRPC - An HTTP/2-based remote procedure call (RPC) system.
- OpenBidder - an open source real-time bidding (RTB) framework enabling you to bid ads at real time.
- Graylog
- GLU Mobile
- Used for the internal communication in Hazelcast Simulator, a stresstest and production simulation tool for Hazelcast.
- Helidon is a collection of Java libraries for writing microservices that run on a fast web core powered by Netty.
- Styx - Programmable, asynchronous, event-based reverse proxy for JVM.
- Brings the power of big data text analytics into Microsoft Word.
- A tweet by @adisesha
- Used for IG Direct
- A tweet by @rbanson
- Agent connectivity
- Jagornet DHCP Server
- free javadoc hosting for opensource projects
- Java & Kotlin Async DataBase Driver for MySQL and PostgreSQL written in Kotlin
- Scalable, fast and modular micro web server.
- Uses Netty as HTTP NIO server.
- yada - A Clojure async web library
- A network protocol testing toolkit used to certify compliance and functionality
- Kaazing
Kakao Talk
- A mobile messenger over 100 million people use. They built their Android push server with Netty.
- Kroxylicious, the snappy open source proxy for Apache Kafka®.
- Uses Netty as the communication layer for client API (a REST and WebSocket API) for messaging platform
Lettuce.IO Redis Client
- Lettuce is a fully non-blocking Redis client built with netty providing Reactive, Asynchronous and Synchronous Data Access.
- Netty is used as the foundation of push and instant messaging services of LeanMessage, serving WebSockets and other protocols for clients from various platform
- - A framework for building RESTful architectures at scale.
Patrick Lightbody
- BrowserMob Proxy - A lightweight embedded Java proxy server, used mainly in automated tests.
- Play Framework - The High Velocity Web Framework For Java and Scala
- Armeria - Armeria is an open-source asynchronous HTTP/2 RPC/REST client/server library built on top of Java 8, Netty, Thrift and gRPC.
- Central Dogma - An open-source highly-available version-controlled service configuration repository based on Git, ZooKeeper and HTTP/2.
LiquidLabs LogScape
- A high performance log visualization tool that scales to thousands of machines; suitable for grid, cloud or SOA applications
- Uses Netty in various microservices, most importantly for real-time streaming of social media and user generated content to over a million of concurrent users for customers such as CNN, Fox News, Coca Cola, ...
- Delivers software-only storage platform natively designed for software-defined data centers and my cloud providers.
- A tweet by @diwakergupta
Micronaut Foundation
- Micronaut Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that exists to support and collectively lead the open source Micronaut® project.
- The default implementation of Micronaut's http-server and http-client use Netty
- Minecraft
- Market Data - POC
- Navixy
- NetflixOSS Meetup (video)
- Ribbon - an inter-process communication (remote procedure calls) library with built-in software load balancers
- RxNetty - the Reactive extension (Rx) adaptor for Netty
- Zuul - http gateway
- Neo4j - Graph database
- NetHunt - Gmail CRM.
- Riposte - a Netty-based microservice framework for rapid development of production-ready HTTP APIs
Nomad Digital
- Uses Netty for a IP link aggregation tunnel for use in (high speed) train environments, to provide internet connectivity on board
- Spark Profit - a free trading simulator that measures your predictive skill
- A tweet by @justinshort
- open source fork of Elasticsearch
- Outbrain
- Playtech
- Uses Netty as a communication layer for multiplayer games.
- PITS Global Data Recovery Services
- Project Reactor - a foundation for reactive fastdata applications on the JVM
- Trino (formerly Presto SQL) - Distributed SQL query engine for big data
- Corda - a distributed ledger / blockchain platform with smart contracts that can be written in Java and other JVM languages
- Ratpack - HTTP application framework
Red Hat
- Uses Netty in their commercial products based on their open source projects.
- Infinispan - a distributed in-memory key/value data grid and cache
- HornetQ - a multi-protocol, embeddable, very high performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system
- AeroGear Push - support for different push notification technologies like Google Cloud Messaging, Apple's APNs or Mozilla's SimplePush
- Vert.x - Vert.x is a lightweight, high performance application platform for the JVM that's designed for modern mobile, web, and enterprise applications.
- RHQ - RHQ is an enterprise management solution for JBoss middleware projects, Tomcat, Apache Web Server, and numerous other server-side applications.
Remember The Milk
- An on-line task management service
- Real time updating comes to the Remember The Milk web app
- High performance and low latency API Gateway for REST microservices
- netty-rest - High Performance RESTFul HTTP Server
- A Portuguese internet service provider and web portal
- A tweet by @lneves
ScaleCube Toolkit for building Reactive microservices for the JVM: low-latency, high-throughput, scalable and resilient
- uses netty for its transport and communication layer.
Sears Holdings Corporation
- An integrated retailer focused on seamlessly connecting the digital and physical shopping experiences
- A tweet by @adyrcz
Sina Weibo
- Using Netty for building IM gateway services at Sina Weibo.
- Motan - Motan is a cross-language remote procedure call(RPC) framework for rapid development of high performance distributed services.
- SMX - SMX Email Archiving includes clusters of Netty based microservices.
- Spinn3r - all crawler UI done by netty. About 500GB per day of HTML fetched via Netty.
- High-throughput data ingestion protocol implemented using Netty.
- netty-zmtp - A collection of Netty channel handlers that aims to implement ZMTP, the ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol.
- Using Netty to collect huge volume of remote internal application logs.
- Square
- Using Netty for various services.
- Shaka Technologies
- StumbleUpon
- Sulake
- Tachobyte - using Netty for pipeline between digital tachographs.
- TinkerPop3 Graph Computing Framework uses Netty for Gremlin Server
- TripleLift
- Tuplejump
- - A hotel reservation system/site written in Scala and Netty4
- tchannel-java - A Java implementation of the TChannel protocol
- Unbounce
- Circuit - An enterprise WebRTC based team communication and collaboration cloud service
- Universal Media Server - A DLNA, UPnP and HTTP(S) Media Server.
- Urban Airship
- VMware
- Yahoo
- Zynga
- Zems
- Mobile game backend by Netty: TCP, UDP, HTTP(S) server
- Various internal company tools
Last retrieved on 21-Mar-2025