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Make sure the list contains only open source projects documented in English and the list is sorted alphabetically. Remove unmaintained projects (no commit activity for last 12 months.)

  • Akka is a Scala-based platform that provides simpler scalability, fault-tolerance, concurrency, and remoting through the actor model and software transactional
  • Apache BookKeeper is a scalable, fault-tolerant, and low-latency log storage.
  • Apache HBase is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store.
  • Apache Cassandra is a column oriented distributed database.
  • Apache Flink is a distributed, stateful stream processing framework.
  • Apache James Server is a modular e-mail server platform that integrates SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and NNTP.
  • Apache Pulsar is an open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system.
  • Apache Spark is a fast and general purpose cluster compute framework, commonly used for "Big Data" applications.
  • Apache Tajo is a distributed, fault-tolerance, low-latency, and high throughput SQL engine that provides ETL features and ad-hoc query processing on large-scale data sets.
  • Arquillian is an innovative in-container testing platform for the JVM
  • Async HTTP Client is a simple-to-use library that allows you to execute HTTP requests and process the HTTP responses asynchronously.
  • Atomix is an event-driven framework for coordinating fault-tolerant distributed systems built on the Raft consensus algorithm.
  • BungeeCord is the de facto proxy solution for combining multiple Minecraft servers into a cloud / hub system.
  • ClusterVAS - A docker based node manager and an orchestrator SDK for remotely managing OpenVAS instances (communication layer is built with Netty Agents based on Netty)
  • Copycat is a fault-tolerant state machine replication framework built on the Raft consensus algorithm.
  • Couchbase is a distributed NoSQL document-oriented database that is optimized for interactive applications.
  • drasyl is a high-performance framework for rapid development of distributed applications.
  • Elastic Search is a distributed RESTful search engine built on top of Lucene.
  • Eucalyptus is a software infrastructure for implementing on-premise cloud computing using an organization's own IT infrastructure, without modification, special-purpose hardware or reconfiguration.
  • Finagle is an extensible RPC system for the JVM, used to construct high-concurrency servers.
  • Forest is a general purpose friend-to-friend platform.
  • Gatling is an asynchronous and efficient stress tool developed with Netty and Akka.
  • gRPC is a high performance, open-source universal RPC framework.
  • Hammersmith is a pure asynchronous MongoDB driver for Scala
  • Higgs is a high performance, message oriented network library.
  • Holmes is a Java application that implements DLNA/UPnP protocol for playing videos, music, pictures and podcasts (RSS) to compatible devices.
  • HornetQ is a project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, very high performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system.
  • http-client is a high performance and throughput oriented HTTP client library.
  • Infinispan is an extremely scalable, highly available data grid platform.
  • jaC64 is a C64 emulator with multiplayer support.
  • Jagornet DHCP is a standards compliant, open source DHCPv4/DHCPv6 server written in Java using Netty.
  • jasync-sql Java, Netty based, async database driver for MySQL and PostgreSQL written in Kotlin.
  • JBossWS is a feature-rich JAX-WS compatible web service stack.
  • Jetserver is a fast multiplayer java game server written using JBoss Netty and Mike Rettig's Jetlang. It supports TCP and UDP transmission and Flash AMF3 protocol.
  • JXTA is a set of open protocols that enable any connected device on the network, ranging from cell phones and wireless PDAs to PCs and servers, to communicate and collaborate in a P2P manner.
  • Ldap4j is an LDAP client that can use Netty as transport, and can be used as a Netty codec.
  • Ldaptive is a simple, high performance LDAP client that uses Netty for network transport.
  • Lettuce is a scalable Redis client for building non-blocking Reactive applications.
  • LittleProxy is a high-performance HTTP proxy.
  • MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library that enables to exchange structured objects between many languages.
  • Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications.
  • Mobicents Media Server is a media gateway server that processes the audio and/or video streams associated with telephone calls or VoIP connections.
  • Mobicents SIP Servlets is an open source certified SIP Servlet implementation.
  • Mock Server mocking and proxying framework that uses Netty for mocking of systems with an HTTP or HTTPS interface
  • Moquette MQTT broker Simple MQTT broker that uses Netty for protocol codec.
  • Naggati "it's (DEPRECATED) now" is a protocol builder for Netty, written in Scala.
  • is a Scala/Netty Netflow Collector used at
  • Netty Agents - Easy to use, message based communication library based on Netty
  • Netty Tools is a small collection of tools useful when working with Netty, which includes various HTTP clients and servers, bandwidth meter, and Thrift RPC processor.
  • Netty-ICAP Codec is a high performance full RFC3507 compliant ICAP codec implementation. This protocol is mostly used in proxy environments in order to offload work to external servers.
  • Netty-Livereload is the Livereload protocol implementation on Netty WebSocket implementation.
  • Netty-SocketIO is a Socket.IO server written on top of Netty
  • Netty-Transport-jSerialComm is a serial port transport for Netty using the jSerialComm library.
  • Netty-ZMTP is a collection of Netty channel handlers that aims to implement ZMTP/1.0, the ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol.
  • Nitmproxy is a proxy server supporting HTTP/SOCKS proxy, HTTP/1.1, and HTTP2 protocols.
  • nio_uring is a Netty-inspired high-performance I/O library for Java using io_uring under the hood.
  • Riposte is a Netty-based microservice framework for rapid development of production-ready HTTP APIs.
  • ScaleCube Reactive Microservices is a message-driven and asynchronous lock free library built to scale. empowered by scalecube-cluster gossip capabilities aiming answer distributed applications cross-cutting-concerns such as; service discovery, location transparency, fault-tolerance and real time failure-detection.
  • Slacker Asynchronous Clojure RPC client/server library, backed by Netty.
  • Socket-IO - Service Fabric I/O Ultra Fast Socket.IO server based on Netty.
  • SwiftNIO is basically the twin of Netty for the iOS platform, written by the same team.
  • Nifty is a Netty-based Thrift transport implementation.
  • NIOSMTP is an asynchronous SMTP client implementation.
  • OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable, Time Series Database written on top of HBase to store, index, and serve the metrics collected from computer systems.
  • Peregrine is a map reduce framework designed for running iterative jobs across partitions of data. Peregrine is designed to be FAST for executing map reduce jobs by supporting a number of optimizations and features not present in other map reduce frameworks.
  • Play Framework is a clean alternative web application framework to J2EE stack, which focuses on developer productivity and targets RESTful architecture.
  • PS3 Media Server is a DLNA compliant UPNP Media Server for PS3 which transcodes and streams any kind of media files.
  • Protobuf-RPC-Pro is a Java implementation for Google's Protocol Buffer RPC services.
  • Pushy is a Java library for sending APNs (iOS/OS X) push notifications.
  • Ratpack is a simple, capable, toolkit for creating high performance web applications.
  • Redisson provides a distributed and scalable Java data structures (Set, SortedSet, Map, ConcurrentMap, List, Queue, Deque, Lock, AtomicLong, CountDownLatch, Publish / Subscribe, HyperLogLog) on top of Redis server.
  • RESTExpress is a lightweight, fast, micro-framework for building stand-alone REST services in Java. It supports JSON and XML serialization automagically as well as ISO 8601 date formats.
  • RHQ collectd decoder decodes collectd UDP datagrams.
  • Spigot is a high performance Minecraft server based on CraftBukkit designed to provide the highest possible performance and reliability. It uses Netty for its custom network stack.
  • Spinach is a scalable thread-safe Disque client providing both synchronous and asynchronous connections.
  • Swift-NIO is a cross-platform asynchronous event-driven network application framework for rapid development of maintainable high performance protocol servers & clients. It's like Netty, but written for Swift (iOS).
  • Termd a library for building terminal applications in Java providing a Telnet server, an SSH server and a web based terminal on top of Netty
  • Teiid is a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogenous data stores.
  • Torrent4J is a BitTorrent library implemented in pure Java.
  • TomP2P is an extended DHT (distributed hash table) which stores values for a location key in a sorted table.
  • Unfiltered is a toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala that provides a consistent vocabulary for handing requests on various server backends.
  • Universal Media Server is a DLNA compliant UPNP Media Server for PS3 and others renderers which transcodes and streams any kind of media files.
  • Vert.x is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM.
  • WaarpFtp is an FTP Server based on Netty
  • Bixby is a server side application framework in clojure.
  • Webbit is an event-based WebSocket and HTTP server.
  • Websocket-MQTT-Forwarder is an event-based WebSocket to MQTT broker forwarder.
  • Xeres a peer-to-peer (friend-to-friend) application.
  • Xitrum is an async and clustered Scala web framework and HTTP(S) server on top of Netty and Hazelcast.
  • zooterrain is a small self-containing web server app which pushes all ZooKeeper znodes and their changes to the browser (using WebSocket)
Last retrieved on 21-Mar-2025