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Series of articles about Netty source code analysis written by bin的技术小屋 ,based on 4.1.112.Final and 4.1.56.Final.
《时间轮在 Netty , Kafka 中的设计与实现》 —— "Design and implementation of time wheel in Netty and Kafka"
《Netty 如何自动探测内存泄露的发生》 —— "How does Netty automatically detect resource leak ?"
《谈一谈 Netty 的内存管理 —— 且看 Netty 如何实现 Java 版的 Jemalloc》 —— "Netty's memory management based on Jemalloc4"
《聊一聊 Netty 数据搬运工 ByteBuf 体系的设计与实现》 —— "Design and implementation of ByteBuf"
《Netty 优雅停机的设计与实现》 —— "Design and implementation of Netty graceful shutdown"
《且看 Netty 如何应对 TCP 连接的正常关闭,异常关闭,半关闭场景》 —— "How does Netty handle normal closing, abnormal closing, and half-closing scenarios of TCP connections?"
《一文聊透 Netty IO 事件的编排利器 pipeline | 详解所有 IO 事件的触发时机以及传播路径》 —— "Design and implementation of pipeline"
《一文搞懂Netty发送数据全流程 | 你想知道的细节全在这里》 —— "Analysis of the entire process of Netty sending data,All the details you want to know are here"
《详解 Recycler 对象池的精妙设计与实现》 —— "Design and implementation of Recycler object pool"
《Netty 如何高效接收网络数据?一文聊透 ByteBuf 动态自适应扩缩容机制》 —— "How Netty efficiently receives network data and ByteBuf's dynamic adaptive expansion and contraction mechanism"
《Netty 是如何高效接收网络连接》 —— "How Netty efficiently receives network connections"
《一文聊透 Netty 核心引擎 Reactor 的运转架构》 —— "The operating architecture of Netty's core engine Reactor - EventLoop"
《详细图解 Netty Reactor 启动全流程》 —— " the whole process of Netty's Reactor(event loop) start up"
《Reactor 在 Netty 中的实现(创建篇)》 —— "Reactor IO Model 's implementation in Netty"
《从内核角度看 Netty IO模型》 —— "Netty IO model from linux kernel 's perspective"
- Netty - presentation at Chicago Java User Group - Sean Sullivan
- Netty, the IO framework that propels them all - presentation at Devoxx Belgium - Stephane Landelle
- Getting started with Netty 4 by Francesco Marchioni
- Netty data model, threading, and gotchas by Ammar Khaku
Need for speed: Boosting Apache Cassandra's performance using Netty - presentation at Devoxx Ukraine 2018 - Dinesh Joshi
A series of articles about Netty (in Chinese) by 闪电侠
- netty源码分析之揭开reactor线程的面纱(一) "Source code analysis of reactor thread model(1)"
- netty源码分析之揭开reactor线程的面纱(二) "Source code analysis of reactor thread model(2)"
- netty源码分析之揭开reactor线程的面纱(三) "Source code analysis of reactor thread model(3)"
- netty源码分析之服务端启动全解析 "Source code analysis of server startup"
- netty源码分析之新连接接入全解析 "Source code analysis of new connection"
- netty源码分析之pipeline(一) "Source code analysis of pipeline(1)"
- netty源码分析之pipeline(二) "Source code analysis of pipeline(2)"
- netty源码分析之writeAndFlush全解析 "Source code analysis of writeAndFlush()"
- netty源码分析之拆包器的奥秘 "Source code analysis of ByteToMessageDecoder"
- netty源码分析之LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder "Source code analysis of LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder"
- netty 堆外内存泄露排查盛宴 "A memory leak troubleshoot of using netty-socketio"
A series of articles about Netty (in French) by Laurent Caillette
Netty (2/6) : Modèle de programmation "Programming model"
Netty (3/6) : Recyclage de la mémoire "Memory recycling"
Netty (4/6) : Que faire avec "What to do with it"
Netty (5/6) : Étude de cas ; existant "Case study"
Netty (6/6) : Constatations ; conclusion "Facts and conclusion"
- Netty at Layer: Powering Client API by Mubarak Seyed
- Whirlpool: Microservices Using Netty And Kafka by John Boardman
- Netty: A Different Kind of Web(Socket) Server by John Boardman
- Real-time collaborative authoring in AEM with WebSockets and Netty (slides) by Mark Szumowski
- High Performance Services in Scala (video) by Greg Soltis
- Multithreaded UDP server with Netty on Linux by Mikom
- Real time analytics with Netty, Storm, Kafka (slides) by Trieu Nguyen
- State of the Art JVM Networking with Netty 4 (slides) by Michael Nitschinger at JAX 2014
- Netty 4 - Intro → Changes → HTTP → Lessons learned by Norman Maurer
- Why Netty (slides) by Norman Maurer at Netflix
- Netty best practices (slides w/ video) by Norman Maurer at #NettyMeetup
- Netty at Facebook (video) by Andrew Cox at #NettyMeetup
- State of Netty (slides w/ video) by Trustin Lee at #NettyMeetup
- Netty at Twitter with Finagle (video) by Evan Meagher at #NettyMeetup
- Netty server implementation: Part 1 and Part 2 (video) by Christian Tucker
- Netty and a Fresh View of Web Development by Iteratia Corporation
- Moving on to Netty 4 by Gaurav Bhardwaj
- Netty best practices (video w/ slides) by Norman Maurer at Facebook
- Netty 4 - A lookup behind the scenes by Norman Maurer
- Netty: Basics for beginners by Gaurav Bhardwaj
- Netty at Twitter with Finagle by Jeff Smick
- Making HTTP content compression work in Netty 4 by Andreas Haufler
- Bridging Netty, RestEasy, and Weld by John Ament
- Let's do our own full blown HTTP server with Netty 4 by Aleksandr Dolgaryev
- [Netty 4 - Network - Application development the easy way] ( by Norman Maurer (WJAX 2013)
- [Building scalable network application with Netty] ( by Jaap ter Woerds
- Making Storm Fly with Netty by Robert Evans
- Netty 4 at Twitter: Reduced GC Overhead by Trustin Lee
- What is Netty? by Alon Dolev
- Creating a multiplayer HTML5 game using Websockets and Netty 4 by Abraham Menacherry
- Configuring Netty 4 with spring by Abraham Menacherry
- Framework Benchmarks Round 2 by
- Framework Benchmarks by
- Use Netty to proxy your requests by
on Netty Channels by Michael Nitschinger - Netty 4 presentation (Slides) by Norman Maurer
- Reaching 200K events/sec by Kyle Kingsbury
- Routing Web Service Done Quickly with Scala and Netty by Sustainable Software Pty Ltd.
- Netty channels and Scala implicits by Franz Bettag
- Distributing data from cloud to more than 100 million users (video w/ slides) by Zbyněk Šlajchrt
- Liftweb and Netty for Web development by Franz Bettag
- Benchmarking web frameworks for games by Jason McGuirk
- Asynchronous & non-blocking Scala: a look at Netty and NIO (video) by Brendan McAdams
- Interview about Netty 4 (video, German) with Norman Maurer
- Run Servlets with Netty by Anthony Goubard
- High performance network programming on the JVM by Erik Onnen
- How we got SPDY working with Netty 3.5 for Socko by Vibul Imtarnasan
- Netty tutorial part 1.5: On ChannelHandlers and channel options by nickman
- Netty tutorial part 1: Introduction to Netty by nickman
- Using SPDY and HTTP transparently using Netty by Jos Dirksen
- Fun with Netty and Async I/O by Tim Boudreau
- Zero-copy event-driven servers with Netty (Slides) by Daniel Bimschas
- Multiplayer tic-tac-toe using WebSocket, Netty, and JQuery by Kevin Webber
- Non-blocking I/O with Netty (Spanish) by Mariano Cortesi and Fernando Zunino
- The Node redumption! (Node.js vs Netty) by maxpert
- How to: basic Netty server (video) by TheProgrammingTuts
- Twitter search is now 3x faster by Krishna Gade
- Clojure: Web Socket introduction by Jay Fields
hangs by Bruno de Carvalho - A Simple Netty HTTP Server in Clojure by Nate Murray
- 512,000 concurrent websockets with Groovy++ and Gretty by Alex Tkachman
- Handshaking tutorial with Netty by Bruno de Carvalho
- Do we really need Servlet Containers always? (5 parts) by Archanaa Panda
- How Netty helped me build a highly scalable HTTP server over GPRS by Archanaa Panda
- Performance Comparison of Apache MINA and JBoss Netty Revisited by Mike Heath
- Writing Your Own Netty Transport by Rafael Marins
- Plurk Comet: Handling 100,000+ Concurrent Connections with Netty by Amir Salihefendic
- Netty: Custom Pipeline Factory by Nicholas Hagen
- Netty: Using Handlers by Nicholas Hagen
- Scalable NIO Servers (4 parts) by Nicholas Hagen
- Performance Comparison of Apache MINA and JBoss Netty by Mike Heath
- (N)IO Frameworks in Java by Ashish Paliwal