Netty 4.1.116.Final released
We are happy to announce the release of netty 4.1.116.Final. This is a bug-fix release.
The most important changes are:
- PcapWriteHandler no longer ignores writePcapGlobalHeader (#14477)
- Allow PcapWriteHandler to output PCAP files larger than 2GB (#14478)
- Fix bugs in BoundedInputStream (#14480)
- AdaptiveByteBufAllocator will not use threadlocal magazine if FastThreadLocalThread.willCleanupFastThreadLocals() returns false (#14486)
- Fix HTTP header validation bug (#14492)
- Add range check for AdaptivePoolingAllocator.CENTRAL_QUEUE_CAPACITY and MAGAZINE_BUFFER_QUEUE_CAPACITY (#14493)
- Fix possible race condition in method AdaptivePoolingAllocator.offerToQueue(...) (#14495)
- Make sure the sentinel Magazine.MAGAZINE_FREED not be replaced (#14502)
- Decrease usedMemory of magazine when the chunk get deallocate (#14508)
- Only try to use Zstd and Brotli if we can load the native libs. (#14519)
- AdaptiveByteBufAllocator: Correctly manage used memory strategy in all cases (#14524)
- Bump BlockHound version to 1.0.10.RELEASE (#14558)
- Add details to TooLongFrameException message (#14562)
- Adapt: Only add Chunk to central Queue if unused (#14583)
- Adapt: Don't fail when we run on a host with 1 core (#14584)
- Adapt: Ensure Chunks from the central Queue are re-used even if there are Magazine local cached Chunks (#14586)
For more details please visit our bug tracker
Thank You
Every idea and bug-report counts, and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area.
Please report an unintended omission.