Netty 4.1.90.Final released
We are happy to announce the release of netty 4.1.90.Final. This is a bug-fix release, but also includes some performance improvements. Please consider upgrading as soon as possible.
These regressions are:
- Adding header name of the header which failed validation (#13209)
- Fix HttpHeaders.names for non-String headers (#13219)
- Save expensive volatile operations in the common hot http decoder path (#13224)
- Avoid slow type checks against promises on outbound buffer's progress (#13225)
- Implement NonStickyEventExecutorGroup.inEventLoop (#13233)
- Native image: add support for unix domain sockets (#13242)
- Use MacOS SDK 10.9 to prevent apple notarization failures (#13253)
- Increase errno cache and guard against IOOBE (#13254)
- Don't reset BCSSLParameters when setting application protocols (#13262)
- WebSocketClientProtocolHandler: add option to disable UTF8 validation (#13265)
- Chunked HTTP length decoding should account for whitespaces/ctrl chars (#13274)
- Handle NullPointerException thrown from NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() (#13278)
For more details please visit our bug tracker
For all the other changes please check the 4.1.90.Final release notes.
Thank You
Every idea and bug-report counts, and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area.
Please report an unintended omission.