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Multiple incubator libraries released

I am happy to announce the release of a new version of all our incubator libraries.

The releases include:

Important changes:

For more details please check the specific issue tracker for the libraries as listed above.

netty-incubator-transport-io_uring 0.0.17.Final

  • Upgrade netty and netty-tcnative to latest releases (#203)

netty-incubator-codec-http3 0.0.18.Final

  • Ensure FIN will only sent after all data was written (#222)
  • Don't set a default MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE (#221)
  • Disable dynamic qpack table by default (#223)

netty-incubator-codec-quic 0.0.36.Final

  • Upgrade to latest quiche sha (#502)
  • Upgrade to netty 4.1.92.Final (#501)