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Netty/Incubator/Codec/Quic 0.0.59.Final released

We are happy to announce the release of netty-incubator-codec-quic 0.0.59.Final. This release includes the new QuicCodecDispatcher which should be used when SO_REUSEPORT is used. This ChannelHandler does quarantee the routing / dispatching of QUIC packets to the correct codec.

For more details on how to use QuicCodecDispatcher please have a look at our QuicServerSoReusePortExample. An alrernative way how to handle this would be to implement your own ebpf programm that ensures the correct dispatching. See the javadocs of QuicCodecDispatcher for more details.

The most important changes are:

  • Fix exception message for exceptions caused by receiving a STOP_SENDING frame (#684)
  • Add QuicTimeoutClosedChannelException which will be used to fail writes for streams when the Channel was closed because of a idle timeout (#685)
  • Add QuicCodecDispatcher that should be used when SO_REUSEPORT is used (#687)
  • Only try to find index for QUIC packets with short header format (#692)

For more details related to this release see our bug-tracker.

For more details about this codec in general please read our initial announcement.

Thank You

Every idea and bug-report counts, and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area.

Please report an unintended omission.