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Netty 4.1.113.Final released

We are happy to announce the release of netty 4.1.113.Final. This is a bug-fix release.

The most important changes are:

  • feat: Support for IP_BIND_ADDRESS_NO_PORT socket option (#14200)
  • Ensure AbstractCoalescingBufferQueue does not end up in inconsistent state on error (#14220)
  • Add new SslHandler.isEncrypted(...) variant that will not produce false positives (#14243)
  • Ensure flushes are not discarded by ChunkedWriteHandler for passed through messages (#14248)
  • Remove reference to parent in recycled buffers for leak detection (#14250)
  • Upgrade to netty-tcnative 2.0.66.Final (#14254)
  • Cleanup fields on AdaptiveByteBuf::deallocate (#14273)

For more details please visit our bug tracker

Thank You

Every idea and bug-report counts, and so we thought it is worth mentioning those who helped in this area.

Please report an unintended omission.